Yarros, Rebecca Piatkus Ref. 9780349437057 Altres llibres de la mateixa col·lecció Altres llibres del mateix autor
    From the INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTELLING author, Rebecca Yarros, comes the eagerly anticipated sequel to TIKTOK SENSATION and RADIO TWO BOOK CLUB pick Fourth Wing . . .uAuthor reviews ufor uFourth Wingu'Brutal games, grumpy dragons, sizzling sexual tension . . . a fantasy like you've never read befo...
    Peso: 250 gr
    16,25 €
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    • ISBN : 978-0-349-43705-7
    • Enquadernació : Butxaca
    • Data d'edició : 19/11/2024
    • Any d'edició : 2024
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Autors : Yarros, Rebecca
    • Número de pàgines : 0
    • Col·lecció : EMPYREAN
    • Número de col·lecció : 2
    From the INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTELLING author, Rebecca Yarros, comes the eagerly anticipated sequel to TIKTOK SENSATION and RADIO TWO BOOK CLUB pick Fourth Wing . . .uAuthor reviews ufor uFourth Wingu'Brutal games, grumpy dragons, sizzling sexual tension . . . a fantasy like you've never read before' JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT, author of FROM BLOOD AND ASH'Readers of Sarah J. Maas and Leigh Bardugo will flock to this one' BOOKLIST (starred review)'Fourth Wing hooked me on the first page and did not let go' DANIELLE L. JENSEN, author of THE BRIDGE KINGDOM'This book had me in an absolute CHOKEHOLD! . . . A mix of Hunger Games and Divergent vibes, with a few elements from ACOTAR thrown in for good measure' NETGALLEY READER REVIEW 'As compelling as it is deadly . . . Fourth Wing is dazzling' NALINI SINGH'A wild, sexy, rollercoaster of a ride' MARY E. PEARSON'Utterly immersive, fiercely romantic, and unforgivably addictive' LYNETTE NONI'Unputdownable thrill ride with an epic love story' TRACY WOLFF'This expertly crafted romantic fantasy is sure to launch the beginning of a brandnew insatiable fandom!' LEXI RYAN'I devoured every page and fell hopelessly, desperately in love with these characters . . . Hands down the best book hangover I've ever experienced' HELENA HUNTING'An exhilarating dragon ride of a fantasy! . . . Move this one to the top of your TBR' SAMANTHA YOUNG'Kapow, what a story! . . . Rebecca Yarros gives you gutsy young heroines and sexy bad boys' RACHEL HOWZELL HALL'House of the Dragon meets Divergent in this utterly thrilling, unputdownable new fantasy!' AMALIE HOWARD'Forbidden romance that simmers off the page relentless, heartstopping action and a delicious, morally gray hero this is the book I've been waiting for!' GENEVA LEE'An expertly woven tale in a riveting world of dragons, lifeordeath competition, and betrayal, Rebecca Yarros hits all the high notes and delivers a thrilling new romantic fantasy that readers will devour' K.A. TUCKER'The epic tale of a reluctant dragon rider's comingofage with a sexy dark academia aesthetic in her astounding debut fantasy . . .

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